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"Have you noticed your skin start to sag and deep wrinkles start to form on your face? Different types of "dermal fillers", e.g Juvederm®, Radiesse®, are FDA-approved for the treatment of facial wrinkles and folds. They are injected into the skin to "fill in" and "plump" creases and folds to create a smoother, younger looking.

Fillers can be used for treatment of:

  • Forehead wrinkles
  • Sunken temples
  • Sunken cheeks
  • Deep lines on both sides of nose
  • Lips for a fuller and plumper look
  • Wrinkles around the mouth ("smoking lines")
  • Hands for a younger and fuller look
  • Neck for removal of the horizontal lines

Fillers are available in a variety of brand names. Our dermatology clinic is offering some of the most well-known and proven injectable fillers, including Belotero Balance, Juvederm®, Radiesse®

In general, filler injection is a safe treatment. The common risks from filler injection include redness, swelling, bruise at the injection site and pain during injection. Severe adverse effects may occur rarely and may include: Inflammation at the injection site causing bumps occlusion of blood vessels causing tissue death.
It depends on the type of filler and the area injected. It ranges from about 6 months to approximately 2 yrs.
There might be slight discomfort at the injection site, depending on the sensitivity of your skin. Most people tolerate the procedure very well.

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